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Unnamed (ID: Jd6zf3)

Female juvenile creature
Creature Info
Owner: Razzy_ShamelessNerd
Sex: Female
Personality: Valiant
Origin: Wild Caught
Caught: April 25th, 2024, 3:07 PM
Stage: Juvenile
Rarity: Seasonal
Time Left: 4 hours, 32 minutes
Time Needed: 0 minutes

Species Notes

The fawn has begun to walk and prance around. The sacs on its body have burst, revealing two pairs of colorful, delicate wings which let it flutter about for short periods of time. Its horns have grown longer, allowing its feelers to swing freely from the tips. Wherever it goes, it attracts other creatures to gather around it, even those of particularly unfriendly species. Even researchers and handlers feel compelled to follow and take care of it.

Artwork: Keileon


Wild Caught creatures have no recorded parents.

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