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wolfydragon90's Statistics

Joined: February 12th, 2024, 6:18 AM
Ranking: Talented
Adults Raised: 249
Resources Found: 359
Adults Owned: 249
Wild Caught Adults Owned: 245
Captive Bred Adults Owned: 4

Chroma Female Male Herm. Total
Red 3 9 1 13
Green 3 10 0 13
Blue 3 12 2 17
Purple 7 8 0 15
Orange 7 8 1 16
Pink 8 7 0 15
White 15 10 4 29
Tan 17 2 4 23
Obsidian 8 9 1 18
Silver 11 1 2 14
Gold 3 6 1 10
Bronze 12 5 1 18
Rainbow 5 4 2 11
Sapphire 11 2 1 14
Emerald 3 9 1 13
Ruby 3 6 1 10
Wild Caught
Chroma Female Male Herm. Total
Red 2 9 1 12
Green 3 10 0 13
Blue 3 12 2 17
Purple 7 8 0 15
Orange 7 8 1 16
Pink 8 7 0 15
White 15 10 4 29
Tan 16 1 4 21
Obsidian 8 9 1 18
Silver 10 1 2 13
Gold 3 6 1 10
Bronze 12 5 1 18
Rainbow 5 4 2 11
Sapphire 11 2 1 14
Emerald 3 9 1 13
Ruby 3 6 1 10
Captive Bred
Chroma Female Male Herm. Total
Red 1 0 0 1
Green 0 0 0 0
Blue 0 0 0 0
Purple 0 0 0 0
Orange 0 0 0 0
Pink 0 0 0 0
White 0 0 0 0
Tan 1 1 0 2
Obsidian 0 0 0 0
Silver 1 0 0 1
Gold 0 0 0 0
Bronze 0 0 0 0
Rainbow 0 0 0 0
Sapphire 0 0 0 0
Emerald 0 0 0 0
Ruby 0 0 0 0