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Anonymously's Statistics

Joined: February 12th, 2020, 10:50 PM
Ranking: Intergalactic
Adults Raised: 9873
Resources Found: 12786
Adults Owned: 9868
Wild Caught Adults Owned: 9841
Captive Bred Adults Owned: 27

Chroma Female Male Herm. Total
Red 345 350 33 728
Green 407 395 33 835
Blue 580 596 86 1262
Purple 239 238 33 510
Orange 298 287 33 618
Pink 218 220 33 471
White 436 407 101 944
Tan 291 280 33 604
Obsidian 262 252 32 546
Silver 326 333 32 691
Gold 219 213 32 464
Bronze 215 214 32 461
Rainbow 205 204 32 441
Sapphire 203 201 32 436
Emerald 202 196 32 430
Ruby 200 195 32 427
Wild Caught
Chroma Female Male Herm. Total
Red 342 348 33 723
Green 405 393 33 831
Blue 577 593 85 1255
Purple 239 238 33 510
Orange 294 286 33 613
Pink 218 220 33 471
White 436 406 101 943
Tan 291 280 33 604
Obsidian 259 252 32 543
Silver 326 332 32 690
Gold 219 213 32 464
Bronze 215 214 32 461
Rainbow 205 204 32 441
Sapphire 203 201 32 436
Emerald 201 196 32 429
Ruby 200 195 32 427
Captive Bred
Chroma Female Male Herm. Total
Red 3 2 0 5
Green 2 2 0 4
Blue 3 3 1 7
Purple 0 0 0 0
Orange 4 1 0 5
Pink 0 0 0 0
White 0 1 0 1
Tan 0 0 0 0
Obsidian 3 0 0 3
Silver 0 1 0 1
Gold 0 0 0 0
Bronze 0 0 0 0
Rainbow 0 0 0 0
Sapphire 0 0 0 0
Emerald 1 0 0 1
Ruby 0 0 0 0