You may or may not have noticed a couple new places popped up in Headquarters over the last little bit: the lounge and the ecology lab. These two places each have a new face for you to meet. On that note, over time the layout of these particular pages will be switching to one similar to how the lounge is laid out as more friendly (though there certainly may be some unfriendly ones in the future...) faces make their debut on each respective page.
There's always a higher purpose for everything. In due time, you will come to understand.
There will be (and have been) some updates to parts of the UI concerning inventory and Delving. This is in preparation for the Delving update, so before everything is properly released you may see UI for new things that you cannot fully access yet.
A new creature will start appearing at 7:00PM Server Time on November 29th. A news post will additional information will be posted at the same time.